plan kruutntoone ‘yoors’project’
Jan Yoors (Antwerpen 1922-New York 1977). Painter, photographer, writer.At the age of twelve joined a gypsyfamily and travelled with them all over Europe. During second world war was their contact with organised resistance. In the Gypsies ( 1967) and Crossing (1977) paints the live of his kumpania and their fate in war. In 1943 Yoors got arrested by the Gestapo and was sentenced to death. By coincidence he was set free and managed to escape. A lot of the people of his kumpania shared the fate of most Roma and got killed in this war. After WW II Yoors lived and work in London, eventually in New York. Two wives gave him three children. Jan Yoors died in 1977.
Plan Kruutntoone played at some places in Europe since the second halve of the nineties. When travelling for music, or for other personal reasons through Slovenia, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Croatia and to Serbia Crossing always formed a essential part of my luggage. Hansko, Rick and Bas each have a son.
…from these books we took fragments that struck us as strong and beautiful. They appeared to be focusing on live and death; on the (im-) possibillities of freedom; the fear to live as opposed to the will to live life, love, eat and spend at least a million…Thus inspired, we tried to translate some of our experiences into our way of making music and then invited guests from all quarters of the compass to add their views and comments and form with us a an orchestra for wedding, funerals, births and escapes…
the yoors’kumpania
for this project Plan Kruutntoone was happy to be joined by
Isabelle Bats (Bruxelles), poet/singer/actress; Ivica Kosavic (Gone Bald, Amsterdam): noble noise god; Andreja Kosavic (Zagreb): Ivicas sister, wears a suit, plays trumpet and sings; Henry J. Alles (Groningen): made visuals and samples to accompany the concerts and is one of the voices on the upcoming cd; Federico Bonelli (Amsterdam): roman futurist filmmaker, dog and deklamator; Gregor Belusic (Zoambo Zet Workestrao, Ljubljana); saz and Zabaplava. And of course Volken de Vlas (Friesland) on samples, trumpet and tuba.
‘throwing money around’
Wherever we play we try to do parts of the pogram in the place’s mothertongue, or the one nearest or in common… So far we tried our luck on serbocroation, italian, russian and frisian, with varying, but mostly great success!
Though one of the songs (Karpaten) is always sung in dutch, we ‘scatter papermoney like decks of cards’ among the audience, with a ‘translation’ of the songs lyrics in english.
It is always a good feeling throwing money around, even if it is fake…
‘een mooi pak’
is how the album with the yoors’project will be named. We managed tot get everyone together in Milan Ciric’s studio in Metslawier, recorded and edited, mixed and mastered with Dolf (Doet Oren Lustig Flapperen) Planteydt and Zlaya at Loud.
(dolf, de laatste europeaan, foto hansko)
(for the yoors’-project plan kruutntoone received financial support of the dutch ThuisKopiefonds. For concerts in Slo, Hr, B, and HU, we got support from the Fonds voor de Amateur- en PodiumKunsten en Stichting Gaudeamus)
October 27th, 2006 at 10:42 am
[…] plan kruutntoone « presentatie een mooi pak in amsterdam… […]
November 5th, 2006 at 1:36 pm
[…] een mooi pak is de cd bij het yoors’project […]
November 26th, 2006 at 6:06 pm
I visited the two wifes of Yoors in 1988 downtown Manhattan, and stayed with them for a week with my wife and daughter Imaan. They were related to Hans Citroen, a dutch artist living in rotterdam.
the two women by that time still produced tapestries bij hand based on the designs by Yoors. Fort economic reasons they had started a kindergarten in the former studio of Yoors.