Archive for the 'news' Category

Niet Alles Wat Afwijkt Is Weerloos

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

…will be Plan Kruutntoone s next two albums, called resp. Ingrid and Marinus, plus a maxisingle called God ( is gereedschap ), with Pksolo s cover of walking in the opposite direction of Adrian Borland on the flip side… If you order both Lp s we ll get you god for free! if you order […]

dear Non-Members of the Nongregation, zorro is with you

Friday, May 8th, 2020

oef, oef, ooph, together with Elder J. Veenstra and Sister A. Terburg I may announce: where there is thirty of you, or less, Zorro is with them… ( from the gospel) dear Non-Members of the Nongregation let s not gather there, that day, and do this thing streamed Live. Our massive event, the celebration of […]


Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

done! de opnames voor de plaat zitten erop. het wordt heel mooi. We just finished recording. proud. grateful.                   with new work of plan kruutntoone, and solo and ensemble pieces of Hansko Visser.